COUNCIL - Thursday 25 February 2016, 6:30pm - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Thursday, 25th February 2016 at 6:30pm
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
2 Minutes
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Agenda item :
1 Apologies
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Agenda item :
2 Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 Members' Interests
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4 Chairman's Announcements and Communications
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5 Leader of the Council's Announcements and Communications
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6 Questions, Statements and Deputations
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7 Recommendations from the Executive
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- Traded Services to Schools and Academies - Proposed Charges for 2016.17 v1
- Redevelopment of Dunstable Leisure centre and Library v1
- Budget 2016.17 and MTFP v1
- 160225 MTFP update to Council on Final Settlement v2
- Appendix A Consulation (Final for Council)
- Appendix (Ci) - Final Summary MTFP
- Capital Programme 2016.17 to 2019.20 v1
- Budget for the Housing Revenue Account (Landlord Business Plan) v1
- Treasury Management Strategy and Treasury Policy v1
- 20160225 2016-17 CT Resoluton Report
- 160225 2016-17 CT Resolution Appx A
- 160225 CT Resolution Appendix B 1617
- 160225 CT Resolution Appendix C 1617
Webcast has finished
- Minutes , 21/01/2016 COUNCIL, opens in new tab
- Traded Services to Schools and Academies - Proposed Charges for 2016.17 v1, opens in new tab
- Redevelopment of Dunstable Leisure centre and Library v1, opens in new tab
- Budget 2016.17 and MTFP v1, opens in new tab
- 160225 MTFP update to Council on Final Settlement v2, opens in new tab
- Appendix A Consulation (Final for Council), opens in new tab
- Appendix (Ci) - Final Summary MTFP, opens in new tab
- Capital Programme 2016.17 to 2019.20 v1, opens in new tab
- Budget for the Housing Revenue Account (Landlord Business Plan) v1, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management Strategy and Treasury Policy v1, opens in new tab
- 20160225 2016-17 CT Resoluton Report, opens in new tab
- 160225 2016-17 CT Resolution Appx A, opens in new tab
- 160225 CT Resolution Appendix B 1617, opens in new tab
- 160225 CT Resolution Appendix C 1617, opens in new tab