DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - Wednesday 29 June 2016, 10:00am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Wednesday, 29th June 2016 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr K Matthews
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
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Cllr K Matthews
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Cllr K Matthews
Agenda item :
3 Minutes
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Agenda item :
2 Chairman's Announcements
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Agenda item :
4 Member's Interests
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Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Agenda item :
5 Planning Enforcement Cases Where Formal Action Has Been Taken
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Agenda item :
6 Planning Application No. CB/16/00860/REG3
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Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr A Zerny
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
CBC Officer
Cllr K Matthews
CBC Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr M Blair
Public Speaker
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr T Nicols
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Planning Officer
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr M Blair
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
CBC Officer
Cllr S Clark
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr A Brown
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr M Blair
CBC Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Agenda item :
6 Planning Application No. CB/16/00860/REG3
Agenda item :
10 Planning Application No. CB/16/01454/FULL
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Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Public Speaker
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr A Brown
Cllr A Brown
Cllr A Brown
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr A Brown
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr A Brown
Cllr B Saunders
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr F Firth
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr F Firth
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr M Blair
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Swain
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr K Matthews
Agenda item :
9 Planning Application No. CB/16/01455/OUT
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Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Nicols
Public Speaker
Cllr T Nicols
Public Speaker
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Swain
Cllr T Swain
Cllr T Swain
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Swain
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr B Saunders
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr F Firth
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr A Brown
Cllr A Brown
Planning Officer
Cllr A Brown
Planning Officer
Cllr M Blair
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Swain
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Swain
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr B Saunders
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Cllr M Blair
Cllr M Blair
Cllr M Blair
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr F Firth
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr F Firth
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr M Blair
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr M Blair
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr M Blair
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr T Nicols
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr A Brown
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr A Brown
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Agenda item :
9 Planning Application No. CB/16/01455/OUT
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Agenda item :
8 Planning Application No. CB/16/01373/RM
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Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr T Nicols
Public Speaker
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr T Nicols
Public Speaker
Public Speaker
Public Speaker
Cllr T Nicols
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr R Morris
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Planning Officer
Cllr B Saunders
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr B Saunders
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr B Saunders
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr A Brown
Cllr A Brown
Cllr K Matthews
Agenda item :
11 Planning Application No. CB/16/01681/FULL
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Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr A Barker
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Highways Officer
Cllr S Clark
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr D Bowater
Planning Officer
Cllr D Bowater
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr F Firth
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark
Cllr T Swain
Cllr M Blair
Cllr K Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr S Clark
Cllr T Nicols
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr S Clark