COUNCIL - Thursday 22 September 2016, 6:30pm - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Thursday, 22nd September 2016 at 6:30pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
Agenda item :
1 Apologies
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Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Agenda item :
2 Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 Members' Interests
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Agenda item :
4 Questions, Statements and Deputations
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Agenda item :
5 Petitions
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Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Public Speaker
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Agenda item :
6 Chairman's Announcements and Communications
Agenda item :
7 Leader of the Council's Announcements and Communications
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Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr D Bowater
Agenda item :
8 Executive Member Presentations
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Cllr D Bowater
Cllr M Jones
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr A Zerny
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr D Bowater
Agenda item :
9 Recommendations from the Executive
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Cllr D Bowater
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Agenda item :
10 Treasury Management Outturn 2015/16
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Cllr R Wenham
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr R Stay
Cllr R Wenham
CFO Section 151 Officer
Cllr D Bowater
Agenda item :
11 2015/16 Capital Programme End of Year Report
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Cllr D Bowater
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr I Shingler
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr S Goodchild
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr D Bowater
Agenda item :
12 Motions (if any)
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Agenda item :
13 Written Questions (if any)
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Agenda item :
14 Open Questions
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Cllr D Bowater
Cllr A Zerny
Cllr N Young
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr S Goodchild
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr S Goodchild
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr S Goodchild
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr M Jones
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr I Dalgarno
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D Bowater
Webcast Finished
- Minutes , 21/07/2016 COUNCIL, opens in new tab
- Exec Rec - A421, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management Outturn 201516, opens in new tab
- Appendices Treasury Management Outturn 201516, opens in new tab
- Council report - Capital Sept 2016, opens in new tab
- 2015-16 Capital Programme Year End MC, opens in new tab