EXECUTIVE - Tuesday 6 December 2016, 9:30am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Tuesday, 6th December 2016 at 9:30am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
2 Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 Members' Interests
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Agenda item :
4 Chairman's Announcements
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Agenda item :
5 Petitions
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Agenda item :
6 Public Participation
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Public Speaker
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr S Clark
Cllr S Clark
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr B Spurr
Public Speaker
Public Speaker
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr R Wenham
Agenda item :
8 Council Tax Support Scheme 2017/18
Agenda item :
9 Using Compulsory Purchase Orders to Bring Empty Homes back into Occupation
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Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr N Young
Cllr N Young
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr R Wenham
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
10 Commissioning of New School Places in Barton-Le-Clay and Marston Moretaine for September 2018
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- Commissioning of New School Places in Barton and Marston Moretaine
- Appendix A - Commissioning of New School Places in Barton and Marston Moretaine
- Appendix B - Commissioning of New School Places in Barton and Marston Moretaine
- Appendix C - Commissioning of New School Places in Barton and Marston Moretaine
- Appendix D - Commissioning of New School Places in Barton and Marston Moretaine
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr R Wenham
Cllr N Young
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
11 Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School from 3 - 9 years of age (Lower School) to 3 - 11 years of age (Primary School)
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- Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School
- Appendix A - Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School
- Appendix B - Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School
- Appendix C - Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School
- Appendix D - Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School
- Appendix E - Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr N Young
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
12 Corporate Accommodation Plan
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Cllr R Wenham
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr B Wells
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
13 Highways Grass Cutting Contract and Food Waste Disposal Contract
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Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr B Wells
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
14 Disposal Sites
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Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr R Wenham
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr R Wenham
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
15 Period 6 (Quarter 2) – 2016/17 Revenue Budget Monitoring
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- Period 6 Quarter 2 - 201617 Revenue Budget Monitoring
- Appendix A - Period 6 (Quarter 2) – 2016/17 Revenue Budget Monitoring
- Appendix B - Period 6 (Quarter 2) – 2016/17 Revenue Budget Monitoring
- Appendix C - Period 6 (Quarter 2) – 2016/17 Revenue Budget Monitoring
- Appendix D - Period 6 (Quarter 2) – 2016/17 Revenue Budget Monitoring
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr R Wenham
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
16 September 2016 Quarter 2 Capital Budget Monitoring Provisional Outturn Report
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Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr R Wenham
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
17 September Quarter 2 Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring
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Cllr R Wenham
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr R Wenham
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
18 Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring
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Cllr R Wenham
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr R Wenham
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr J Jamieson
Cllr N Young
Cllr J Jamieson
Agenda item :
19 Exclusion of the Press and Public
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Agenda item :
19 Exclusion of the Press and Public
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Webcast Finished
- Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 11 October 2016, opens in new tab
- Forward Plan of Key Decisions, opens in new tab
- Council Tax Support Scheme 2017/18, opens in new tab
- Using CPOs to Bring Empty Homes back into Occupation, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Using CPOs to Bring Empty Homes back into Occupation, opens in new tab
- Commissioning of New School Places in Barton and Marston Moretaine, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Commissioning of New School Places in Barton and Marston Moretaine, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Commissioning of New School Places in Barton and Marston Moretaine, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Commissioning of New School Places in Barton and Marston Moretaine, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - Commissioning of New School Places in Barton and Marston Moretaine, opens in new tab
- Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School, opens in new tab
- Appendix E - Proposal to Change the Age Range of Everton Lower School, opens in new tab
- Corporate Accommodation Plan, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Corporate Accommodation Plan, opens in new tab
- Highways Grass Cutting Contract and Food Waste Disposal Contract, opens in new tab
- Disposal Sites, opens in new tab
- Period 6 Quarter 2 - 201617 Revenue Budget Monitoring, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Period 6 (Quarter 2) – 2016/17 Revenue Budget Monitoring, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Period 6 (Quarter 2) – 2016/17 Revenue Budget Monitoring, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Period 6 (Quarter 2) – 2016/17 Revenue Budget Monitoring, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - Period 6 (Quarter 2) – 2016/17 Revenue Budget Monitoring, opens in new tab
- September 2016 Quarter 2 Capital Budget Monitoring Provisional Outturn Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - September 2016 Quarter 2 Capital Budget Monitoring Provisional Outturn Report, opens in new tab
- September Quarter 2 Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - September Quarter 2 Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring, opens in new tab
- Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring, opens in new tab