CHILDREN'S SERVICES OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE - Tuesday 6 September 2016, 10:00am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Tuesday, 6th September 2016 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr M Versallion
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Cllr M Versallion
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Cllr M Versallion
Agenda item :
2 Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 Members' Interests
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Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
Steve Court - Co-optee
Gill Deans - Co-optee
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr M Versallion
Agenda item :
4 Chairman's Announcements and Communications
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Agenda item :
9 Executive Members' Updates
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Cllr C Hegley
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr M Versallion
Steve Court - Co-optee
Steve Court - Co-optee
Steve Court - Co-optee
Steve Court - Co-optee
Steve Court - Co-optee
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Jones
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr M Versallion
Agenda item :
10 Schools Trading 2017/18
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CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr D Bowater
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr M Versallion
Gill Deans - Co-optee
Cllr S Dixon
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr D Shelvey
CBC Officer
Cllr D Shelvey
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr R Berry
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
Agenda item :
13 Fees & Charges 2017
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CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Agenda item :
11 Consultation to change the school age range of Everton Lower to enable it to extend to Year 5 and Year 6 pupils
Share this agenda point
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr S Dixon
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr D Bowater
CBC Officer
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr P Smith
Cllr P Smith
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr D Gurney
Gill Deans - Co-optee
Steve Court - Co-optee
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr D Shelvey
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr M Versallion
Agenda item :
12 Shared Vision (Education, Health and Social Care) for Children and Young People (0-25) from Central Bedfordshire with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
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Cllr C Hegley
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Gill Deans - Co-optee
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Steve Court - Co-optee
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr C Hegley
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr D Shelvey
Cllr M Jones
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Agenda item :
14 Quarter 1 (April to June) 2016/17 Performance Report
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Gill Deans - Co-optee
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr S Dixon
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
Steve Court - Co-optee
Cllr M Versallion
Cllr M Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr M Versallion
Agenda item :
15 Work Programme 2016/17 & Executive Forward Plan
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Cllr M Versallion
Cllr R Berry
Cllr M Versallion
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Children's Services OSC Schools Trading, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1Exec Report Schools Trading 2017-18, opens in new tab
- 160906 Item 10 App A Schools Trading Brochure v2, opens in new tab
- Appendix B Traded Services to Schools Price Changes, opens in new tab
- 160906 Item 11 CS OSC Everton Lower School Changes, opens in new tab
- 160906 Item 11 CS OSC App A ELS Executive report, opens in new tab
- 160906 Item 12 CS OSC SEND Vision cover report, opens in new tab
- 160906 Item 12 CS OSC App 1 SEND Draft vision, opens in new tab
- 160906 Item 12 CS OSC App 2 Strategy for Delivering Shared Vision, opens in new tab
- CS OSC Fees Charges Report, opens in new tab
- Fees Charges 2017 Executve Report v4, opens in new tab
- Appendix A Fees Charges 2017 - Children's Services v1, opens in new tab
- Appendix C Fees Charges 2017 - Review Process v2, opens in new tab
- Appendix D Fees Charges 2017 - Largest Sources, opens in new tab
- Appendix E Fees Charges 2017 - Statutory All excl SCHH, opens in new tab
- 160906 Item 14 CS OSC Q1 Performance Report, opens in new tab
- 160906 Children's work programme report cover, opens in new tab
- 160906 Appendix A Work Programme, opens in new tab