CORPORATE RESOURCES OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE - Tuesday 29 November 2016, 10:00am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Tuesday, 29th November 2016 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 Members' Interests
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Agenda item :
4 Chairman's Announcements and Communications
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Agenda item :
5 Petitions
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Agenda item :
6 Questions, Statements or Deputations
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Agenda item :
7 Call-In
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Agenda item :
8 Requested Items
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Agenda item :
9 Executive Member Update
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Cllr T Stock
Cllr T Stock
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr T Stock
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr T Stock
Cllr T Stock
Cllr T Stock
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr F Chapman
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
10 Insurance Arrangements
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CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr D McVicar
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
CBC Officer
Cllr F Chapman
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr C Gomm
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr D McVicar
CBC Officer
Cllr J Chatterley
Cllr J Chatterley
CBC Officer
Cllr N Costin
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr J Kane
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr C Gomm
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
11 Economic Update
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Agenda item :
12 Local Council Tax Support Scheme
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CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr D McVicar
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr D McVicar
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr J Kane
CBC Officer
Cllr J Kane
CBC Officer
Cllr T Swain
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr R Johnstone
Cllr R Johnstone
CBC Officer
Cllr R Johnstone
Cllr R Johnstone
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
13 Residents Survey - Listening to our Customers
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Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr T Swain
Cllr T Swain
CBC Officer
Cllr T Swain
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr C Gomm
CBC Officer
Cllr C Gomm
CBC Officer
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr T Stock
Cllr T Stock
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr C Gomm
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
14 Corporate Accommodation Plan
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Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr C Gomm
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr F Chapman
Cllr F Chapman
Cllr F Chapman
Cllr F Chapman
Cllr F Chapman
Cllr J Kane
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr J Kane
Cllr J Kane
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr F Chapman
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
15 Work Programme 2014/15 and Executive Forward Plan
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Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- OSC Insurance Arrangements, opens in new tab
- Economic Update to CR OSC v4, opens in new tab
- 20161010 OSC LCTS Scheme Year 5 v1.4 (2), opens in new tab
- CR OSC Resident Survey report v2, opens in new tab
- OSC Residents Survey v2, opens in new tab
- Corporate Accommodation Plan OSC Report, opens in new tab
- CAP Appendix A, opens in new tab
- 161129 CR OSC Work programme report (2), opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 CR OSC Work Programme, opens in new tab