CORPORATE RESOURCES OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE - Thursday 27 July 2017, 10:00am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting

Thursday, 27th July 2017 at 10:00am 









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  1. Cllr P A Duckett
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  1. Cllr P A Duckett
  2. CBC Officer
  3. Cllr P A Duckett
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  1. Cllr P A Duckett
  2. Cllr R Wenham
  3. Cllr R Wenham
  4. Cllr P A Duckett
  5. Cllr F Chapman
  6. Cllr P A Duckett
  7. Cllr S Dixon
  8. Cllr P A Duckett
  9. Cllr S Dixon
  10. Cllr S Dixon
  11. Cllr P A Duckett
  12. Cllr P A Duckett
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  1. Cllr P A Duckett
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  1. Cllr C Gomm
  2. Cllr C Gomm
  3. Cllr S Dixon
  4. Dir Community Services
  5. Cllr C Gomm
  6. Cllr P A Duckett
  7. Cllr C Hegley
  8. Cllr P A Duckett
  9. Dir Community Services
  10. Cllr P A Duckett
  11. Cllr P A Duckett
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  1. Cllr P A Duckett
  2. Cllr S Dixon
  3. CBC Officer
  4. CBC Officer
  5. Cllr P A Duckett
  6. CBC Officer
  7. CBC Officer
  8. Dir Community Services
  9. Dir Community Services
  10. Dir Community Services
  11. Cllr P A Duckett
  12. Cllr R Wenham
  13. CBC Officer
  14. CBC Officer
  15. Cllr P A Duckett
  16. Cllr F Chapman
  17. Cllr F Chapman
  18. Cllr P A Duckett
  19. Cllr S Dixon
  20. Cllr N Costin
  21. Cllr S Dixon
  22. Dir Community Services
  23. Cllr S Dixon
  24. Cllr P A Duckett
  25. Cllr T Swain
  26. Cllr S Dixon
  27. Cllr P A Duckett
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  1. Cllr P A Duckett
  2. Cllr S Dixon
  3. CBC Officer
  4. CBC Officer
  5. Cllr P A Duckett
  6. Cllr C Gomm
  7. Director of Resources
  8. Cllr P A Duckett
  9. Cllr F Chapman
  10. Cllr F Chapman
  11. Cllr P A Duckett
  12. Director of Resources
  13. Cllr P A Duckett
  14. Dir Community Services
  15. Cllr P A Duckett
  16. Cllr S Dixon
  17. Cllr P A Duckett
  18. Cllr P A Duckett
  19. Cllr F Chapman
  20. Cllr P A Duckett
  21. CBC Officer
  22. CBC Officer
  23. Cllr P A Duckett
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  1. Cllr P A Duckett
  2. Cllr R Wenham
  3. Director of Resources
  4. Director of Resources
  5. Cllr F Chapman
  6. Cllr F Chapman
  7. Cllr F Chapman
  8. Cllr F Chapman
  9. Director of Resources
  10. Cllr P A Duckett
  11. Cllr P A Duckett
  12. Director of Resources
  13. Cllr P A Duckett
  14. Director of Resources
  15. Cllr P A Duckett
  16. Cllr J Chatterley
  17. Director of Resources
  18. Cllr P A Duckett
  19. Cllr R Wenham
  20. Cllr P A Duckett
  21. Cllr C Hegley
  22. Cllr P A Duckett
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  1. CBC Officer
  2. CBC Officer
  3. CBC Officer
  4. CBC Officer
  5. Cllr P A Duckett
  6. Cllr P A Duckett
  7. CBC Officer
  8. Cllr P A Duckett
  9. Cllr P A Duckett
  10. Dir Community Services
  11. Cllr P A Duckett
  12. Cllr S Goodchild
  13. Cllr P A Duckett
  14. CBC Officer
  15. Cllr R Wenham
  16. Cllr C Hegley
  17. CBC Officer
  18. Cllr P A Duckett
  19. Cllr T Swain
  20. Cllr T Swain
  21. Cllr T Swain
  22. Cllr T Swain
  23. CBC Officer
  24. Dir Community Services
  25. Cllr P A Duckett
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr P A Duckett
  2. Cllr R Wenham
  3. Cllr P A Duckett
  4. Cllr P A Duckett
  5. Cllr P A Duckett
  6. Cllr P A Duckett
  7. Cllr F Chapman
  8. Cllr P A Duckett
  9. Cllr R Wenham
  10. Cllr P A Duckett
  11. Cllr P A Duckett
  12. Cllr F Chapman
  13. Cllr F Chapman
  14. Cllr P A Duckett
  15. Cllr P A Duckett
  16. Cllr P A Duckett
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  1. Dir Community Services
  2. Dir Community Services
  3. Cllr P A Duckett
  4. Cllr J Chatterley
  5. Cllr P A Duckett
  6. Cllr F Chapman
  7. Cllr P A Duckett
  8. Cllr F Chapman
  9. Cllr P A Duckett
  10. Webcast Finished
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