CORPORATE RESOURCES OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE - Thursday 21 September 2017, 10:00am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Thursday, 21st September 2017 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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CBC Officer
Agenda item :
10 Human Resources Project Update
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CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
CBC Officer
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr C Gomm
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
11 Customer Services Technology Project Update
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CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr F Chapman
CBC Officer
Cllr C Gomm
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr C Gomm
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr A Barker
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Dir Community Services
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P Hollick
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
12 The Council's Discretionary Rate Relief Scheme
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Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Director of Resources
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr A Barker
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
13 Quarter 1 Performance Monitoring
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CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P Hollick
Cllr S Dixon
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr S Goodchild
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr S Goodchild
Cllr S Goodchild
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr C Hegley
Dir Community Services
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr T Swain
Cllr T Swain
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr A Barker
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P Hollick
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
14 Fees & Charges Policy 2018-2021 and proposed Fees and Charges 2018
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- Corporate Resources OSC Fees Charges
- Appendix A - Fees Charges - CMT Report
- Appendix B - CBC Fees and Charges Policy 2017-18
- Appendix C - Adult Social Care January 2018
- Appendix D - Community Services January 2018 Discretionary
- Appendix E - Community Services January 2018 Statutory
- Appendix F - Building Control January 2018 Statutory
- Appendix G - Planning January 2018 Statutory
- Appendix H - Pre-App Advice and MineralsWaste Jan18 Non-Statutory
- Appendix I - Resources (incl Registration Services) Jan18 Discretionary
- Appendix J- Resources (incl Registration Services) Jan18 Statutory
- Appendix K - Chief Executive Photocopying Jan18 Non-Statutory
Director of Resources
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P Hollick
CBC Officer
Cllr P Hollick
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P Hollick
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr A Barker
Cllr P A Duckett
Dir Community Services
Cllr P A Duckett
Director of Resources
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr J Chatterley
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Dir Community Services
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Dir Community Services
Cllr P A Duckett
Dir Community Services
Cllr P A Duckett
Dir Community Services
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr P A Duckett
Dir Community Services
Cllr P A Duckett
Dir Community Services
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr J Chatterley
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr S Dixon
Dir Community Services
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr P A Duckett
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr T Swain
Cllr T Swain
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr J Chatterley
Director of Resources
Director of Resources
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr P A Duckett
Director of Resources
Cllr P A Duckett
Dir Community Services
CBC Officer
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr J Chatterley
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr P A Duckett
Director of Resources
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr J Chatterley
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr P A Duckett
Director of Resources
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr P A Duckett
Agenda item :
15 Work Programme 2017/18 & Executive Forward Plan
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CBC Officer
Director of Resources
Director of Resources
Director of Resources
Director of Resources
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr J Chatterley
Cllr P A Duckett
Cllr P A Duckett
Webcast has finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- 170921 CR OSC Item 10 Human Resources Project Update, opens in new tab
- 170921 CR OSC item 11Customer Services tech update v2, opens in new tab
- 170921 CR OSC Item 12 Spring Budget Rate Relief Report, opens in new tab
- 170921 CR OSC Item 12 Appendix A Draft Update Discretionary Business Rates Relief Policy, opens in new tab
- CR OSC Performance Report Q1 1718, opens in new tab
- 2017/18 Quarter 1 Performance Report, 01/08/2017 EXECUTIVE, opens in new tab
- Corporate Resources OSC Fees Charges, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Fees Charges - CMT Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - CBC Fees and Charges Policy 2017-18, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Adult Social Care January 2018, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - Community Services January 2018 Discretionary, opens in new tab
- Appendix E - Community Services January 2018 Statutory, opens in new tab
- Appendix F - Building Control January 2018 Statutory, opens in new tab
- Appendix G - Planning January 2018 Statutory, opens in new tab
- Appendix H - Pre-App Advice and MineralsWaste Jan18 Non-Statutory, opens in new tab
- Appendix I - Resources (incl Registration Services) Jan18 Discretionary, opens in new tab
- Appendix J- Resources (incl Registration Services) Jan18 Statutory, opens in new tab
- Appendix K - Chief Executive Photocopying Jan18 Non-Statutory, opens in new tab
- CR OSC Work programme report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A CR OSC Work Programme, opens in new tab