Development Management Committee - Wednesday 11 November 2020, 9:30am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Development Management Committee
Wednesday, 11th November 2020 at 9:30am
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1-4 Procedural Matters
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Agenda item :
5. CB/20/00959/OUT (Biggleswade South and North)
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Agenda item :
5. CB/20/00959/OUT (Biggleswade South and North)
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Agenda item :
5. CB/20/00959/OUT (Biggleswade South and North)
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Agenda item :
6. CB/20/00687/FULL (Houghton Hall)
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Agenda item :
6. CB/20/00687/FULL (Houghton Hall)
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Agenda item :
7. CB/18/01518/OUT (Arlesey)
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Agenda item :
8. CB/20/01520/FULL (Biggleswade South)
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Agenda item :
8. CB/20/01520/FULL (Biggleswade South)
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Agenda item :
9. CB/20/01639/REG3 (Dunstable Northfields)
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Agenda item :
10. CB/20/02948/FULL (Dunstable Central)
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Agenda item :
11. Lindsells Level Crossing - Biggleswade Bridleway No. 11 and Footpaths Nos. 13 and 14 (Biggleswade North)
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Agenda item :
12. Date of Next Meeting and Site Inspections
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Webcast Finished