Extraordinary Traffic Management Meeting - Wednesday 29 June 2022, 1:00pm - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Extraordinary Traffic Management Meeting
Wednesday, 29th June 2022 at 1:00pm
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1. Apologies for Absence
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Cllr Ian Dalgarno
Agenda item :
2. Members Interests
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Cllr Ian Dalgarno
Cllr Ian Bond
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
Agenda item :
3. Leighton Buzzard- A505 Safety Petition
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CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
Public Speaker
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
Agenda item :
4. Aspley Guise, The Square, Bedford Road, West Hill and Woburn Lane- No Waiting at Any Time Restrictions
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CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
CBC Officer
Public Speaker
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
Cllr John Baker
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
Cllr Ian Dalgarno
Agenda item :
5. Biggleswade, Palace Street- Prohibition of Left Turns
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Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr Kevin Collins
CBC Officer
Cllr Kevin Collins
CBC Officer
Cllr Kevin Collins
Webcast Finished