Social Care Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday 3 July 2023, 10:00am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Social Care Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 3rd July 2023 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
01. Procedural points
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Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Sue Bell
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Gary Summerfield
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
02. Executive Member Updates
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Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Rebecca Hares
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
03. EEAST Performance Update
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External Visitor
External Visitor
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
External Visitor
Cllr Mark Versallion
External Visitor
Cllr Mark Versallion
External Visitor
Cllr Mark Versallion
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Spicer
External Visitor
Cllr Philip Spicer
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Smith
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
04. ELFT Modernising Inpatient Bed Facilities update
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Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
05. Outturn Budget Monitoring Reports
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Cllr Mark Smith
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Spicer
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Spicer
CBC Officer
Cllr Philip Spicer
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr Mark Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Mark Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr Mark Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr Mark Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
05. Outturn Budget Monitoring Reports
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Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Smith
Agenda item :
06. Corporate Performance Report
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Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
07. ASC Assurance and Outcome of Peer Challenge
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mark Smith
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Gary Summerfield
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
08. Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Terms of Reference
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CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
09. Work Programme
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Cllr Philip Spicer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Webcast Finished