Executive - Tuesday 7 January 2025, 9:00am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Tuesday, 7th January 2025 at 9:00am
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Agenda item :
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Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
1. Apologies
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
2. Minutes
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Agenda item :
3. Members' Interests
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Agenda item :
4. Chair's Announcements and Communications
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Agenda item :
5. Petitions
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Agenda item :
6. Questions, Statements or Deputations
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Public Speaker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
7. Draft Capital Programme 2025/26 - 2028/29
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Chief Executive
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
8. SEND Strategy Refresh
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Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Clinch
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Adam Zerny
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
9. Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
10. Empty Homes and Second Homes Premium
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
11. Tendering and Award of Contract for Domestic Abuse Refuge
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Clinch
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
12. Social Prescribing Contract
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Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Clinch
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Susan Clinch
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
13. Forward Plan of Key Decisions
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Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Webcast Finished