Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday 15 April 2024, 9:30am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 15th April 2024 at 9:30am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
01 - 08. Procedural Points
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Cllr Helen Wightwick
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Helen Wightwick
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Saveiro Bongo
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Helen Wightwick
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Spicer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Helen Wightwick
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Helen Wightwick
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
10. Bedfordshire Care Alliance
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Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Spicer
Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Saveiro Bongo
Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Saveiro Bongo
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Smith
Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Helen Wightwick
Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Spicer
Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
09. Executive Members' Update
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Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Spicer
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Sue Bell
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Director SCHH
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Steven Watkins
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
11. Mental Health Services in Central Bedfordshire
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External Visitor
External Visitor
External Visitor
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Helen Wightwick
External Visitor
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Spicer
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Saveiro Bongo
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Sue Bell
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Sue Bell
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Director SCHH
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Spicer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Helen Wightwick
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
External Visitor
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
11. Mental Health Services in Central Bedfordshire
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Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
12. Development of an Integrated Behaviour Change Service
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Cllr Rebecca Hares
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Spicer
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Philip Spicer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Sue Bell
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Mark Versallion
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Helen Wightwick
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
13. Compliments and Complaints - Adult Social Care and Public Health 2022/23 statutory annual report
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Cllr Mark Smith
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
14. Compliments and Complaints - Housing Service 2022/23 statutory annual report
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CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
CBC Officer
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Director SCHH
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Helen Wightwick
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Agenda item :
15. SCHH OSC work programme 2024
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CBC Officer
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Philip Crawley
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Assistant Dir Public Health
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Webcast Finished