Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday 15 April 2024, 9:30am - Resources Tab - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting

Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 15th April 2024 at 9:30am 









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  1. Cllr Helen Wightwick
  2. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  3. Cllr Helen Wightwick
  4. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  5. Cllr Saveiro Bongo
  6. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  7. Cllr Mark Versallion
  8. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  9. Cllr Helen Wightwick
  10. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  11. Cllr Philip Spicer
  12. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  13. Cllr Mark Versallion
  14. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  15. Cllr Helen Wightwick
  16. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  17. Cllr Mark Versallion
  18. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  19. Cllr Helen Wightwick
  20. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
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  1. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  2. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  3. Cllr Philip Spicer
  4. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  5. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  6. Assistant Dir Public Health
  7. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  8. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  9. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  10. Cllr Saveiro Bongo
  11. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  12. Cllr Saveiro Bongo
  13. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  14. Cllr Mark Smith
  15. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  16. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  17. Cllr Helen Wightwick
  18. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  19. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  20. Cllr Victoria Harvey
  21. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  22. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  23. Cllr Philip Spicer
  24. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  25. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  26. Assistant Dir Public Health
  27. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  28. Cllr Mark Versallion
  29. Cllr Mark Versallion
  30. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  31. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  32. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  33. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  34. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  35. Mr D Carter L&D Hospital
  36. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  37. Cllr Philip Crawley
  38. External Visitor
  39. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Mark Smith
  2. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  3. Cllr Philip Spicer
  4. Cllr Mark Smith
  5. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  6. Cllr Mark Versallion
  7. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  8. Cllr Sue Bell
  9. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  10. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  11. Cllr Mark Smith
  12. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  13. Director SCHH
  14. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  15. Cllr Steven Watkins
  16. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
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  1. External Visitor
  2. Guest
  3. External Visitor
  4. Guest
  5. External Visitor
  6. External Visitor
  7. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  8. Cllr Helen Wightwick
  9. External Visitor
  10. External Visitor
  11. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  12. Guest
  13. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  14. Cllr Philip Spicer
  15. Guest
  16. External Visitor
  17. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  18. Cllr Saveiro Bongo
  19. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  20. Cllr Mark Versallion
  21. External Visitor
  22. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  23. External Visitor
  24. Guest
  25. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  26. Cllr Sue Bell
  27. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  28. Cllr Philip Crawley
  29. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  30. External Visitor
  31. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  32. Guest
  33. Cllr Sue Bell
  34. Guest
  35. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  36. Cllr Victoria Harvey
  37. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  38. Guest
  39. Cllr Victoria Harvey
  40. Guest
  41. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  42. External Visitor
  43. Guest
  44. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  45. Director SCHH
  46. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  47. Cllr Philip Spicer
  48. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  49. Cllr Helen Wightwick
  50. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  51. External Visitor
  52. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
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  1. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Rebecca Hares
  2. Assistant Dir Public Health
  3. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  4. Cllr Philip Crawley
  5. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  6. Assistant Dir Public Health
  7. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  8. Cllr Philip Spicer
  9. Cllr Rebecca Hares
  10. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  11. Assistant Dir Public Health
  12. Cllr Philip Spicer
  13. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  14. CBC Officer
  15. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  16. CBC Officer
  17. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  18. CBC Officer
  19. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  20. Cllr Rebecca Hares
  21. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  22. Cllr Sue Bell
  23. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  24. Cllr Rebecca Hares
  25. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  26. Assistant Dir Public Health
  27. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  28. Cllr Mark Versallion
  29. Assistant Dir Public Health
  30. Cllr Mark Versallion
  31. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  32. Cllr Rebecca Hares
  33. Cllr Mark Versallion
  34. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  35. Assistant Dir Public Health
  36. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  37. Cllr Victoria Harvey
  38. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  39. Cllr Rebecca Hares
  40. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  41. Cllr Helen Wightwick
  42. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  43. Assistant Dir Public Health
  44. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  45. Cllr Philip Crawley
  46. Assistant Dir Public Health
  47. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Mark Smith
  2. CBC Officer
  3. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  4. CBC Officer
  5. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Share this agenda point
  1. CBC Officer
  2. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  3. Cllr Philip Crawley
  4. CBC Officer
  5. Cllr Victoria Harvey
  6. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  7. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  8. Director SCHH
  9. Cllr Victoria Harvey
  10. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  11. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  12. Cllr Helen Wightwick
  13. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  14. Cllr Rebecca Hares
  15. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  16. CBC Officer
  17. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  18. CBC Officer
  19. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
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  1. CBC Officer
  2. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  3. Cllr Philip Crawley
  4. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  5. Assistant Dir Public Health
  6. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  7. Assistant Dir Public Health
  8. Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
  9. Webcast Finished