Executive - Tuesday 10 September 2024, 6:30pm - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Tuesday, 10th September 2024 at 6:30pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1. Apologies
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Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
2. Minutes
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Agenda item :
3. Members' Interests
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Agenda item :
4. Chair's Announcements and Communications
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Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Russell Goodchild
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
5. Petitions
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Agenda item :
6. Questions, Statements or Deputations
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Public Speaker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steven Watkins
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
7. Matter referred to the Executive by Overview and Scrutiny
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Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Clinch
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Ian Adams
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Philip Spicer
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Shaun Roberts
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
8. School Transport Policy Changes
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Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steven Watkins
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Public Speaker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Ian Adams
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Anna French
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Liddiard
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Philip Spicer
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
8. School Transport Policy Changes
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Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
9. School Organisation Plan 2025-30 Principles and Policies
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Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Goodchild
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
10. Improving the Day Offer for people with learning disabilities in the South of Central Bedfordshire: Outcome of the Consultation and Recommendations for the Townsend Day Centre
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Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Goodchild
Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
11. Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2029
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Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
12. The re-commissioning of the statutory service of Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire.
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Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Goodchild
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
13. Grounds Maintenance
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Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Clinch
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
14. Public Consultation on Domestic Abuse Strategy
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Agenda item :
15. Sustainability Plan Refresh
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Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Agenda item :
16. Biodiversity Net Gain Strategy
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Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
15. Sustainability Plan Refresh
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Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Clinch
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
16. Biodiversity Net Gain Strategy
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Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Clinch
Cllr Adam Zerny
CBC Officer
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
17. Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) recommissioning
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Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Mark Versallion
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
18. Adult Social Care Services – Recommissioning of the Bedfordshire Adults Advocacy Support Service
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Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
19. Microsoft365 Agreement
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr John Baker
Chief Executive
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
20. 2025/26 MTFP Budget Framework Report
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Clinch
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
21. Quarterly Budget Monitoring Revenue Budget Monitoring Q1 June 2024
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Emma Holland-Lindsay
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Tracey Wye
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
22. Quarterly Budget Monitoring Capital Budget Monitoring Q1 June 2024
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Agenda item :
23. Quarterly Budget Monitoring Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring Q1 June 2024
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Agenda item :
22. Quarterly Budget Monitoring Capital Budget Monitoring Q1 June 2024
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Susan Clinch
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
23. Quarterly Budget Monitoring Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring Q1 June 2024
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
24. General Exception - Disposal of former Conference Centre, The Meadows, Girtford Bridge, Sandy, SG19 1NA
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Cllr Steven Watkins
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steven Watkins
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr Steven Watkins
Cllr Adam Zerny
Agenda item :
25. 240710 SEND Sub-Committee Minutes and Recommendations for Exec
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Agenda item :
26. Forward Plan of Key Decisions
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Webcast Finished