Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 12 November 2024, 9:30am - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 12th November 2024 at 9:30am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
Procedural Matters
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Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Sue Bell
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Agenda item :
Executive Member Update
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Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Ian Adams
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Ian Adams
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Sue Bell
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Susan Goodchild
Cllr Steve Owen
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kevin Pughe
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Liz Childs
Cllr Steve Owen
CBC Officer
Cllr Liz Childs
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Sue Clark
CBC Officer
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Steve Owen
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Agenda item :
Recommendations Arising from the SEND Sub-Committee
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Cllr Ian Adams
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Adams
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Ian Adams
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Agenda item :
Q2 Revenue Budget Monitoring Report
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Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Sue Bell
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Susan Goodchild
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Dir Children & Families
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Dir Children & Families
CBC Officer
Cllr Victoria Harvey
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Liz Childs
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Liz Childs
Dir Children & Families
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Liz Childs
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Ian Adams
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kevin Pughe
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Agenda item :
Q2 Capital Budget Monitoring Report
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Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Sue Bell
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Ian Adams
Cllr Steve Owen
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Adams
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Adams
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Sue Clark
CBC Officer
Cllr Sue Clark
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Agenda item :
Q2 Capital Budget Monitoring Report
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Agenda item :
Corporate Performance Reporting
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Cllr Steve Owen
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
Cllr Steve Owen
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Sue Bell
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Mark Liddiard
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Ian Adams
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kevin Pughe
CBC Officer
Cllr Kevin Pughe
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Susan Goodchild
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Liz Childs
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Agenda item :
Central Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report 2023-24 and the Central Bedfordshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements
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External Visitor
CBC Officer
External Visitor
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Julia Spence - Co-optee
External Visitor
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Ian Adams
External Visitor
Dir Children & Families
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Susan Goodchild
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Mark Liddiard
External Visitor
CBC Officer
Cllr Mark Liddiard
Dir Children & Families
CBC Officer
Cllr Mark Liddiard
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Victoria Harvey
External Visitor
Dir Children & Families
CBC Officer
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
External Visitor
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kevin Pughe
External Visitor
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Liz Childs
External Visitor
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Liz Childs
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Sue Clark
External Visitor
Cllr Sue Clark
External Visitor
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Agenda item :
Quality Assurance Report
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CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Adams
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Adams
CBC Officer
Cllr Ian Adams
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Sue Clark
CBC Officer
Cllr Victoria Harvey
CBC Officer
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Sue Bell
CBC Officer
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Mark Liddiard
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Richard Sherry - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Agenda item :
Work Programme 2024-25 and Executive Forward Plan
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Richard Sherry - Co-optee
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Steve Owen
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Dir Children & Families
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Cllr Kathryn Woodfine
Webcast Finished