General Purposes Committee - Thursday 12 December 2024, 6:30pm - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
General Purposes Committee
Thursday, 12th December 2024 at 6:30pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr John Baker
Cllr John Baker
Agenda item :
2. Minutes
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Agenda item :
3. Members' Interests
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Agenda item :
4. Chair's Announcements and Communications
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Agenda item :
5. Petitions
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Agenda item :
6. Questions, Statements or Deputations
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Agenda item :
7. Annual Pay Policy Statement 2025 - 2026
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CBC Officer
Cllr John Baker
Cllr John Baker
Agenda item :
8. Tracking Motions at Full Council
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Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr John Baker
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr John Baker
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Christopher Leaman
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Adam Zerny
Cllr John Baker
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr John Baker
Cllr John Baker
Agenda item :
9. Amendments to Constitution
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Monitoring Officer
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr John Baker
Monitoring Officer
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Christopher Leaman
Monitoring Officer
Cllr Christopher Leaman
Monitoring Officer
Cllr John Baker
Cllr John Baker
Monitoring Officer
Cllr Christopher Leaman
Monitoring Officer
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Sue Clark
Monitoring Officer
Cllr Sue Clark
Monitoring Officer
Cllr Christopher Leaman
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Christopher Leaman
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Kevin Collins
Monitoring Officer
Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Christopher Leaman
Cllr John Baker
Monitoring Officer
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr John Baker
Agenda item :
10. Work Programme
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Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Sue Clark
Cllr Christopher Leaman
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Matthew Brennan
Cllr John Baker
Webcast Finished