SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE - Thursday 24 November 2016, 10:00am - Slides Tab - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Thursday, 24th November 2016 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Agenda item :
3 Chairman's Announcements and Communications
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes
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Agenda item :
5 Petitions
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Agenda item :
6 Questions, Statements or Deputations
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Agenda item :
7 Call-In
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Agenda item :
8 Requested Items
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Cllr D McVicar
CBC Officer
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr G Perham
CBC Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr A Barker
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D Bowater
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr D McVicar
Dir Regeneration
Dir Regeneration
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr N Young
Cllr D McVicar
Agenda item :
9 Executive Members Updates
Agenda item :
10 Planning Enforcement
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CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr N Young
Cllr N Young
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr K Matthews
CBC Officer
Cllr K Matthews
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr R Morris
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
Cllr D McVicar
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr A Barker
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr G Perham
Cllr G Perham
Cllr N Young
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D Bowater
CBC Officer
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr A Barker
Cllr N Young
Cllr D McVicar
Agenda item :
11 Economic Insight (2016)
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CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Dir Regeneration
Dir Regeneration
Dir Regeneration
Dir Regeneration
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr N Young
Cllr D McVicar
Dir Regeneration
Dir Regeneration
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr A Barker
Cllr A Barker
CBC Officer
Cllr A Barker
Dir Regeneration
CBC Officer
Cllr D McVicar
Dir Regeneration
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Cllr J Kane
Dir Regeneration
Cllr D McVicar
Dir Regeneration
Cllr D McVicar
Agenda item :
12 Q1 Budget Monitoring Reports
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Dir Community Services
Dir Community Services
Cllr D McVicar
Dir Regeneration
Cllr D McVicar
Agenda item :
13 Work Programme
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Cllr D McVicar
Cllr D McVicar
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Enforcement report, opens in new tab
- Appendix to Enforcement report, opens in new tab
- Annex A to Appendix, opens in new tab
- Annex B to Appendix, opens in new tab
- Annex C to Appendix, opens in new tab
- Q1 Revenue BMR, opens in new tab
- Appendix A for Q1 Revenue BMR, opens in new tab
- Appendix B for Q1 Revenue BMR, opens in new tab
- Appendix C for Q1 Revenue BMR, opens in new tab
- Appendix D for Q1 Revenue BMR, opens in new tab
- Q1 Capital BMR, opens in new tab
- Appendix A for Q1 Capital BMR, opens in new tab
- Work programme report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 to work programme report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 to work programme report, opens in new tab