CHILDREN'S SERVICES OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE - Tuesday 12 September 2017, 10:00am - Slides Tab - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Tuesday, 12th September 2017 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Agenda item :
2 Minutes
Agenda item :
3 Members' Interests
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Steve Court - Co-optee
Cllr K Ferguson
Agenda item :
4 Chairman's Announcements and Communications
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Agenda item :
5 Petitions
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Agenda item :
6 Questions, Statements or Deputations
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Agenda item :
7 Call-In
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Agenda item :
8 Requested Items
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Agenda item :
9 Executive Members' Updates
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Cllr C Hegley
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr J Chatterley
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr P Hollick
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr Mark Liddiard
Cllr Mark Liddiard
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr Steven Watkins
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Agenda item :
10 Special Educational Needs and Disability Vision and Strategy
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Agenda item :
12 Speech and Language Provision
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Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr J Chatterley
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr D Gurney
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Gill Deans - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr Mark Liddiard
CBC Officer
Cllr Mark Liddiard
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr S Goodchild
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr J Chatterley
Cllr J Chatterley
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr B Spurr
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr K Ferguson
External Visitor
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Steve Court - Co-optee
External Visitor
External Visitor
External Visitor
External Visitor
External Visitor
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
External Visitor
External Visitor
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr J Chatterley
External Visitor
External Visitor
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr J Chatterley
External Visitor
Cllr K Ferguson
External Visitor
Cllr K Ferguson
External Visitor
External Visitor
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr T Swain
CBC Officer
Cllr T Swain
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr S Goodchild
CBC Officer
External Visitor
External Visitor
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr P Hollick
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr Mark Liddiard
Cllr K Ferguson
Gill Deans - Co-optee
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr K Ferguson
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Agenda item :
10 Special Educational Needs and Disability Vision and Strategy
Share this agenda point
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Gill Deans - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Cllr J Chatterley
CBC Officer
Cllr J Chatterley
CBC Officer
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr D Gurney
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr D Gurney
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Steve Court - Co-optee
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr C Hegley
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr B Saunders
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr A Dodwell
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Gill Deans - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Steve Court - Co-optee
Steve Court - Co-optee
Steve Court - Co-optee
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Agenda item :
10 Special Educational Needs and Disability Vision and Strategy
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Cllr K Ferguson
Agenda item :
11 Review of the Children's Disability Provision
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CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr Mark Liddiard
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr Mark Liddiard
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr Mark Liddiard
Cllr Mark Liddiard
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Steve Court - Co-optee
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Agenda item :
13 Development of the Children and Young People’s Plan for Central Bedfordshire
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Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr P Hollick
Cllr C Hegley
Cllr P Hollick
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr S Dixon
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr D Gurney
Cllr K Ferguson
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Emily Rowlands - Co-optee
CBC Officer
Cllr K Ferguson
CBC Officer
Gill Deans - Co-optee
Cllr K Ferguson
Gill Deans - Co-optee
Agenda item :
14 Work Programme 2017/18 & Executive Forward Plan
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Cllr K Ferguson
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- 170912 CS OSC item 10 SEND Vision presentation, opens in new tab
- 170912 CS OSC item 10 SEND vision on a page, opens in new tab
- 170912 CS OSC Item 11 Review of Children with Disabilities provision, opens in new tab
- 170912 CS OSC item 12 Speech and Langauge presentation ST, opens in new tab
- 170912 CS OSC Item 12 Speech & Language presentation CCG, opens in new tab
- 170912 CS OSC Item 13 CYPP REPORT, opens in new tab
- 170912 CS OSC Item 13 APP A Draft CYPP, opens in new tab
- 170912 CS OSC Item 13 APP B Key Area Details, opens in new tab
- 170912 CS OSC Item 13 Work programme report, opens in new tab
- 170912 CS OSC Item 13 Appendix A Work Programme, opens in new tab