Development Management Committee - Wednesday 4 March 2020, 10:00am - Slides Tab - Central Bedfordshire Council Webcasting
Development Management Committee
Wednesday, 4th March 2020 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
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Cllr Ken Matthews
Agenda item :
2. Chairmans Announcements
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Agenda item :
3. Minutes
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Agenda item :
4. Members Interests
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Cllr Ken Matthews
Agenda item :
11. Development Brief
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Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Agenda item :
9. Planning Application No. CB/19/02643/FULL (Westoning, Flitton & Greenfield)
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Cllr Ken Matthews
Agenda item :
6. Planning Application No. CB/19/03857/FULL (Silsoe & Shillington)
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Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Mike Blair
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Alison Graham
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Alison Graham
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Caroline Maudlin
Cllr Alison Graham
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Kevin Collins
Highways Officer
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr Patrick Hamill
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Patrick Hamill
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Kevin Collins
Planning Officer
Cllr Mike Blair
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr David Bowater
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Agenda item :
7. Planning Application No. CB/19/02317/VOC (Leighton Buzzard North)
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Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Ferguson
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Ferguson
Cllr Ewan Wallace
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Ferguson
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Ferguson
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ian Shingler
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Ferguson
Cllr Ewan Wallace
Cllr David Bowater
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Caroline Maudlin
Cllr Ken Ferguson
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Kevin Collins
Public Speaker
Cllr Mike Blair
Public Speaker
Cllr Mike Blair
Public Speaker
Cllr David Bowater
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Public Speaker
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Frank Firth
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Kevin Collins
Planning Officer
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr Ian Shingler
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Kevin Collins
Cllr Patrick Hamill
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Raymond Berry
Planning Officer
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Raymond Berry
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Raymond Berry
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Raymond Berry
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Agenda item :
10.Planning Application No. CB/19/03748/FULL (Toddington)
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Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Silvia Collins
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Frank Firth
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Mike Blair
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Agenda item :
5. Planning Application No. CB19/03294/FULL (Biggleswade South)
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Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr David Bowater
Public Speaker
Cllr David Bowater
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Public Speaker
Public Speaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Hayley Whitaker
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Highways Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Highways Officer
Planning Officer
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Mike Blair
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr David Bowater
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Frank Firth
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Agenda item :
8. Planning Application No. CB/19/03529/FULL (Leighton Buzzard North)
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Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Planning Officer
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Raymond Berry
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Raymond Berry
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Raymond Berry
Cllr Rebecca Hares
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Frank Firth
Cllr Raymond Berry
Cllr Victoria Harvey
Cllr Ken Matthews
Planning Officer
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Frank Firth
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Frank Firth
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Nigel Young
Cllr Raymond Berry
Cllr Ken Matthews
Cllr Ken Matthews